Sunday service at 10 am

We are offering our services in person!  All are welcome.  You may also join via Zoom.

Masks are now optional and no longer required during services at the church. If you are experiencing Covid related symptoms, please join us via Zoom rather than in person. If you have been exposed to someone with Covid, please wait until the following week to attend in person.

Child care available each Sunday, and children's RE programming on the first Sunday of each month, during the service.

To Join via Zoom:  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/792198974?pwd=ZFhUQTVhRDRoSmJtWkR2Z3lsbWxiUT09

November 3 "A Vote is a Kind of Prayer"

Rev Jan Hutslar

Music by Chenyu Wang

November 10 "Now What?"

Rev Jan Hutslar

Music by Carson Boardman

November 17 "Music Sunday: A Celebration of the Spirit of Music"

Rev Jan Hutslar Music by the UUCUV Choir and many other

November 24

Maureen McNulty and Partner Church Team
Music by UUCUV Handbell Choir and Rachel Clark


archived services


Rev. Jan Hutslar