
What We Believe

One of the great gifts of Unitarian Universalism is that we are theologically diverse.

One of the challenges of Unitarian Universalism is that we are theologically diverse.

We do not gather around a common creed expecting all to think alike and believe the same way.

Instead, Unitarian Universalism honors the beliefs and understandings that each of us comes to-- from our own life experiences, self-reflection and wisdom.




Differences in theology and approach to life and spiritual growth are opportunities to practice our values of deep listening, acceptance, open-mindedness and curiosity.

We are bound together in community through a covenantal relationship-- reliant on the promises we make to each other of how we will honor, support and respect one another.

We believe that faith is a journey we travel throughout our lives and on that journey beliefs change and expand.

We celebrate these individual journeys and the collective one we share in community.

Meet Our Staff

Rev. Jan


Rev. Jan Hutslar

[email protected]

My calling is to serve in UU parish ministry that stirs the heart, enlivens the mind, engages the body, nourishes the soul, affirms the individual and empowers the community.


Community Program Coordinator/ Director of Spiritual Exploration

Sarah Freeman

[email protected]

Director Sarah Freeman leads our youth programming.


Church Administrator

Vicki Hathorn

[email protected]

Vicki is our office administrator and supporter of the minister, DRE, board and committees.  She normally works mornings Tuesday through Friday.


Music Coordinator

Bob Lucier

[email protected]


Minister Emerita

The Rev. Dr. Patience Stoddard

Now retired, Patience served as the UUCUV's contract minister immediately prior to Jan's calling. Among many other things, she helped supervise the construction of our sanctuary and meetinghouse.

Rev. Nancy

Affiliated Community Minister

Rev. Nancy Bird Pellegrini

[email protected]

Rev. Pellegrini affiliated with the congregation in April 2020. She primarily serves beyond the walls of the church as a hospital chaplain. She periodically assists with worship and pastoral care.




Membership is a formal commitment of your time and energy to the spiritual life of the church community. People who are new to UU ideals in general, and to the UUCUV in particular, are encouraged to attend New Visitors and Friends Gathering one Sunday each month (check the calendar for dates, carry your coffee in from Fellowship hour), in which congregational leaders and our minister can discuss the congregation and its ideals, history, and plans and answer your questions.

If our Mission, Vision, and Covenant support your values about how to be in community, we hope you will make the commitment to membership.

The formal act of membership comprises two parts.  First, identify your own contribution to the community in terms of service and monetary donations in line with your current situation.  Second, the commitment is symbolized by signing the membership book, usually as part of a Sunday service, but it can be done privately.

Welcoming Congregation



The UUCUV is recognized as a Welcoming Congregation, a voluntary program that reflects our belief to the inherent worth and dignity of every person, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. Learn more about the program at the UUA web site.

Our congregation spearheaded Vermont's effort to pass the country's first civil union legislation in 2000.  The UUCUV has made a special effort to learn about, grow with, and celebrate our members, friends, neighbors, children, and fellow travelers whose gender identities challenge traditional expectations.

We celebrate and support families of every constellation.  Children's religious ed materials are carefully vetted to show that every kind of family is a place where people are loved and safe, from single folks living alone to multi-generational, multi-affectional families with kids from all over.

We use the Our Whole Lives curriculum at every age level as a supplement to Sunday morning religious ed, not in place of it.  The bonded, closed groups of our OWL classes happen on a long calendar rotation.

Green Sanctuary



The UUCUV was among the first congregations accredited under the UUA's Green Sanctuary Program. The accreditation reflects our deeply felt commitment to the environment of the world that we all share, and the integration of Earth-based spirituality into our services and communal gatherings.

The UUCUV's religious ed programs for children incorporate lessons about the interdependent web from encouraging a sense of wonder to hands-on environment-protecting projects.

The UUCUV has an ongoing commitment to fighting for climate action. We installed solar panels on our roofs in 2018 and we now generate more than enough electricity to offset our needs.

Learn more about the Green Sanctuary program at the UUA web site.