Metta/Loving Kindness Meditation


Metta/Loving Kindness Meditation or Praying for Thine Enemies Settle into a comfortable position with both feet on the floor or sitting cross legged. Let your eyes gently close. Allow your breath to flow freely, gently becoming deeper and slower. Let … Read More

Moving Meditation: Embodied Serenity Prayer


Embodied Serenity Prayer Sit comfortably, cross legged or with feet on the floor, letting your eyes close and shoulders relax.  Breathing deeply with long exhales, ask yourself: Breathing deeply with long inhales, ask yourself: Laura Moberg, DRE

The Garden is Open


 Looking for a place to renew your spirit safely outdoors?  The garden is always open. Come wander in peace or meet a physically distanced friend for a picnic on the back lawn.  Look for Jack-in-the-Pulpit plants blooming along our shady … Read More

Community Minister Affiliates with UUCUV


Reverend Nancy Pelligrini

“I am excited to become the Affiliated Community Minister at UUCUV!  Community ministers serve beyond the walls of the church, in my case as a hospital chaplain. The purpose of affiliation is to create a mutually beneficial relationship connecting the … Read More

Going Virtual


My Dear Community, We are going virtual! To do our part slowing the spread of the virus so that the health care system can handle what may come, we have decided: Until further notice, we will not be meeting in person … Read More