“S” Meditation

AdminMeditations, SE Audio Visual Library

Settle in and sit securely, squiggle until still. Slide your eyes close, breathe smoothly. Hands slide to your lap, clasped softly: “Soft…..Secure…..BODY- BE STILL” Hands rise to your heart, cupped gently: “Surround…..Soothe…..HEART – BE SILENT” Hands stretch above your head, … Read More

Metta/Loving Kindness Meditation


Metta/Loving Kindness Meditation or Praying for Thine Enemies Settle into a comfortable position with both feet on the floor or sitting cross legged. Let your eyes gently close. Allow your breath to flow freely, gently becoming deeper and slower. Let … Read More

Moving Meditation: Embodied Serenity Prayer


Embodied Serenity Prayer Sit comfortably, cross legged or with feet on the floor, letting your eyes close and shoulders relax.  Breathing deeply with long exhales, ask yourself: Breathing deeply with long inhales, ask yourself: Laura Moberg, DRE